Government of Andhra Pradesh will give pension to Transenders & Protection to Orphans - SARKARI NEWS

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Government of Andhra Pradesh will give pension to Transenders & Protection to Orphans

Andhra Pradesh Government is coming soon with a pension scheme for transgenres. Speaking in a press conference on Tuesday, Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu said that the government is going to create a plan to give equality and better life style to everyone in the state.

Naidu further said that his government is trying to achieve perfection and is pushing for the problems to be overcome. He said that 'we have developed infrastructure in the state and have also troubleshooted the problems.'

But the government is now planning to provide fundamental facilities like pension to transgenders, as well as for the orphaned children and altering alley, government will also provide security for the people living there.

He said that his government is working under the complete proof distribution system to solve the problems of the people. Naidu spoke of the cooperation of officials to implement the schemes.

He said that people should also be taught about discipline and dignity. Addressing the press conference, Naidu said that the government has also started the helpline number 1100 number to take the feedback directly to the people and fulfill the main objective of the government.